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Cole forlovet!


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Har fått ett litt sånn kjærlighet/hat forhold til Ash(mest det siste). Han skal f... meg gjøre og si mye riktig for å rette opp intrykket. ;) Uansett, gratulerer til Cole og dama :D

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Ja da må han vel ha ei kjempelønn sånn at han har råd til et fett bryllup :D



Og ikke minst til å betale skilsmisse-advokaten :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

En ny artikkel vedrørende Cole's forlovelse :




Uber-sexy footballer Ashley Cole has been gushing to the Sun about how much he loves his pop star fiance, Cheryl Aloud. And if you're a sensitive sort, be warned, it's a LOT...


He said: "I want to be with her forever. People may say we got engaged too quickly or too young, but sometimes you just know it is right. That's how it is with Cheryl, I don't want anyone else."


He also revealed what happened when he asked Cheryl's dad for her hand in marriage, saying: "He thought it was a big wind-up. I had to spend some time convincing him it was me! In the end he realised it was for real and gave me his blessing - I was so relieved."


And what of plans for the big day itself? Well Ash is clear that it's going to be all about the missus. He said: "She can have whatever she wants. I want it to be the happiest day of her life, one she'll never forget. I'm leaving the wedding plans to Cheryl. I've left her in charge of the guestlist - although I am not sure that's a good idea!"


Kilde : Wife Got Cole [bBC - Top of the Pops]


Just so long as they're not serving lollipops in the loos, all should be fine...

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  • 2 years later...




Visste ikke helt hvor jeg skulle legge dette, var så mange Cole tråder.

Men alt går visst ikke på skinner for Cashley om dagen :blink:


Håper dette er ei lekse til alle som vuderer og forlate The Arsenal. Det kan bare gå en vei....Nedover

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Visste ikke helt hvor jeg skulle legge dette, var så mange Cole tråder.

Men alt går visst ikke på skinner for Cashley om dagen :blink:


Håper dette er ei lekse til alle som vuderer og forlate The Arsenal. Det kan bare gå en vei....Nedover


Nok en gang har Cole vært ute på byen sammen med den nye mobilen sin. Kommer han ut av skapet snart?

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