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Takk skal du ha Helmik'n.. Nei, du kan jo ikke for hva du føler så det er jo helt greit så lenge man ikke tror at vi er helt hjelpeløse pga hørselsmangelen vår (folk har en lei tedens til å tro det):D For oss døve så blir det litt feil om man synes synd på de som ikke hører, men samtidig så synes vi jo synd på de som f.eks er blinde. De vil jo heller ikke at vi ska føle synd på dem. Man føler det man føler og du trenger ikke å beklage at du føler det slik;)

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Enjoy your third translation! :D


My hopes for the season, part 1, 2 and 3


Theo Walcott:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

Well, I've set myself a couple of targets. Get 10 goals, and 25 starts, and just try to make my name in this team, really, just push on. I don't have problems with my shoulder now, and I can play without worrying about that any more.

-How different is the shoulder now, because it was really impairing your movement last year?

When I played last season, it could just pop out. It was just horrible. It was always up in my head, and you know, I couldn't get out of it. But now I start to forget about it, so it is all good.

-How different a player are you now from the player who arrived a couple of years ago?

I feel I'm going to be stronger this year. I've had a year in the Premiership now, and I know what it's like. But it's going to change every year, since new players gets signed, but it's going to be a big year for us.


Tomas Rosicky:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

Of course I want some trophies. I think we have a very good team, and we are about to bring something for you.

-You've been here a while now; How different a player are you now from the player who arrived?

It's difficault to say for me. But of course I feel more confident in the squad now.

-You will be getting back to Sparta Prague now, that will be a fantastic experience for you..?

Yeah, it is a littlebit strange feeling, because I grew up there and Sparta Prague prepared me for my further steps in my career. It won't be easy for us, because they are a good side aswell.


Johan Djourou:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

I think the thing I want to set myself in the end, is keep on playing the way we played last season, but try to win more trophies.

-What kind of lessons can you learn from last season?

I think the team played very well. We played good football, but we were'nt as consistent as we wanted to be, so it was a little difference from us to maybe Manchester and Chelsea. So this season we will try to take that step up and try to go further.


Robin van Persie:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

Of course I want to win trophies and play well. I think that with this squad, we have great of potential, we have got a young squad and their hunger is big. Mine aswell. And I think I'm ready for the season, yeah.

-It's the second season on the Emirates Stadium. How much difference will it make to have one year under your belt?

A lot. Because we have to get used to the size of the pitch, because Highbury was a bit small, I think one of the smallest in the league, and the Emirates is one of the biggest, so I think we are more used to that now.


Nicklas Bendtner:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

I want the team to do the best we can, and finish the highest as possible on the table. And I think we have the players and the quality to do that, and I hope we will be involved in the mid-race in all competitions.

-How much have you changed as a player from this time, last year?

I've got a lot more experience now, and I know how it is to play in real first team football, and how it is to win every game. And I hope it will be the same here at Arsenal.

-Have you set yourself any personal targets?

My personal targets is trying to get some matches around my neck, and of course to do the best I can.


Alexander Hleb:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

I want to win the Premiership and the Champions League. That will be very important for me, and I will do everything to achieve that.


Manuel Almunia:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

Play all the games.

-Have you set yourself any personal targets?

To start the season. That's number one.

-It is the second year at Emirates Stadium. How much difference will it make to have one year here already?

Now we don't have excuses about a new stadium, new pitch or new number of fans. Now everyone have to do their best, and we have to achieve many things.


Mathieu Flamini:

-What is your one target for this season?

What is going to be the most important for us, is to win a trophy. That means the Premiership, and also the Champions League of course.

-You are a very versatile player. -Are you happy to play everywhere this season?

Yes, of course. I will be happy everywhere, but my natural positition is the central midfield, so I will try and play the most I can there.

-It seems to be a very good team spirit, after winning to tournaments already..

Yes, of course. We have a really, really good team spirit, and I think everybody swet on the pitch. And I think that is very important, because when you want to win a trophy, that is needed.


Justin Hoyte:

-What is your one target for this season?

As a team our main goal is to win every game, if we can, and win trophies, really.

-...and for yourself?

For me, the goal is just to play as many games as I can for the club, and obviusly to gain some games for the national side.

-What lessons can the team learn from last season?

There is a lot of lessons to learn, really. We slipped up, and lost games, and drew games we really should have won. But you can see how we have improved in Pre Season.


Phillipe Senderos:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

Obviusly we want to do well as a team, win trhphies and be at the top. I think last year we was a bit far from where we was supposed to, and we definatly want to fight for the title this year.

-At this time last year, you had a bad shoulder injury which kept you out for a lot of the season. You must to be more confident and fit now?

Yes, definatly. To come in to a team who is already playing and running, is quite difficault, so I'm quite confident this year, and ready to fight for my place from the beginning, and I feel fit, so yeah, I'll be fighting for it.

-It's the second season on the Emirates Stadium. How much difference will it make having a year under your belt?

Well, I think it is going to be a tremendous change. We feel at home here, and and the crowd had been used to come in here to the ground and all that, so we are used to it now, and that can make a big difference for us.


Gaël Clichy:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

Well, we want the best, and first of all we want to show everyone that we are a quality team with a strong mentality, and we will show them that by winning trophies. The Premiership is the main target, but then we think about the Champions League and all the other cups, and we want to show everyone that we are ready for the season.


Emmanuel Adebayor:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

Of course, as a player, as a Arsenal-footballer, what I want is to win something, to achieve something, and I think we have the quality. We put our heart in every game, we are going to give our best in every single game, and hopefully we win something at the end of the season.


Kolo Tourè:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

I want to win a trophy. Because as a footballplayer at Arsenal, I think it is very important to win a trophy at the end of the season. And I think that we have the quality and the spirit, and we are looking to win something.


Gilberto da Silva:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

Great spirit, like we always had, you know. When you have a great spirit, the team are going to achieve a lot of things. That is what I want. I start for myself, then the rest of the team.

-What lessons can Arsenal learn from last season?

I think the biggest lesson from last season, is not to have the same start as we had then. We can not afford to let the same thing happen like last time. We need to start strong, and finish like we always expect.


Vassiriki Abou Diaby:

-What is the one thing you want from this season?

For this season, I think we need to learn more about last season, and try to do better. And have a good spirit in the team, and win some titles, and yes, do better then last year.

-This time last year, you were injured; What is your personal targets for this season?

I hope to play all the season now, and not only one part of it. And to help the team to have good results and try to do my best.


Bacary Sagna:

-What is the one target you have for this season?

I'd like to adapt very quickly and give all I can for this team and play good games.

-Are you happy? -Have you settled in well?

Yes, I'm very happy. Arsenal is fantastic, and I'd like to give all of myself to this team and the fans.


Lukasz Fabianski:

-What is the one thing you would like this season?

I would like to win trophies with Arsenal.

-How have your first months at the club, been?

Good. Very good. I think I've settled very well, and I've really enjoyed to be here, and to play for Arsenal.


Jens Lehmann:

-What is the one thing you would like from this season?

Of course playing attractive football, and winning something.

-What lessons can the team learn from their first season at Emirates?

We played often very well, but forgot sometimes to finish the games off.

-How can that change?

Just scoring first. Because we was many times one-nil down, and if we can change that, it will be much easier for us.


Armand Traorè:

-What is the one thing you would like from this season?

Well, I would like to play more Premiership-games and be more on the bench and observe more, and achieve my goals.

-How have you changed as a player in the last year?

I think I've become more like a fighter and a winner, and I think I've become a littlebit better in defence, though I still have to work on that a bit more.


William Gallas:

-What is the one thing you would like from this season?

To win everything.

-What lessons can Arsenal learn from the previous year?

I think we understand now how we have to play, how we have to fight on the pitch, and how we can help eachother. And I think we can win the Premier League. And from Pre Season, I think everyone understands that, and that is very important.

-It seems to be a very good spirit in the team..?

Yeah, I think the spirit is very good. And I hope that at the end of the season, everyone will be happy: The staff, the fans and the players aswell.

-How much difference will it mean having a second year as Emirates? -Because the first year is always difficault.

That was very good for the squad, becuase when you play a tournament and wins the trophy, that is always very good before the start of the season. And I think that the players are now ready for the season at Emirates, and I hope we can show everybody what we can do.

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Thanks a million.. Detter er bare ufattelig for meg, startet jo denna tråden for kun 3 dager siden jeg lagde denne tråden og allerede er det tikket inn 3 invervjuer. Kvaliteten er rå og jeg koser meg som bare det:) Takk skal du ha Helmik'n:) Kos deg med kampen ikveld, det skal jeg:)



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Et lite intervju med Bendtner etter PSG-kampen i Emiratescup.


Well done Nicklas, you set up the first, scored the second then missed a penalty. This is a game you going to remember for some time.


Yes, it is always nice. It is my second start here at the Emirates for the real team. It is really nice to come here and score in a sort of a debut, and setting up one and all, but I should have scored at the penalty, so that is what I am going to do.


Was it a sign of your confidence that you wanted to take that penalty?


Yes, of course, everybody wants to take a penalty.

Not everybody?


No no, but I thought I have the confident to shoot it in, which I has, but I missed.


It is a big season for you isn’t it?


Yes, it is going to be a big season for everyone. Looking forward to the challenge of the Premiership, that is it really.


When you were at Birmingham last year, were you worried that Mr.Wenger might not call you back to Arsenal?


It has always been my target to play in Arsenal ever since I came, it will be that so long as I am here, to see if I can get a place in the first side.


You think you can manage to get a place in the first team?


Yes, hopefully, else I would not been here.


Arsenals expectations this year, what do you think they should be?


We want to finish as high as possible of course. We are a young team and I think we are ready for the challenge. We are going to every game trying to win it and it is not different this year.

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Intervjuet med Wenger begynte eg på tidlegare idag, så det får du i morgon.. :)

Oh no! :P Var halvveis nå.. ;)

Da tar jeg Bendtner sitt jeg da :P

Kan du bare fortelle meg hvilken av dem det er du vil ha. Tror du har fått en av dem før! :P


18-07-2007 Bendtner - My goals for the season

28-07-2007 Bendtner: Post-PSG

30-07-2007 Bendtner - I'm here to fight


Hvem av de 3 ? :)

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Bendtners post-PSG intervju har jeg lest, da kan du bare ta en av de andre Arsenal90. Begge høres spennende ut, så du velger:)

18-07-2007 Bendtner - My goals for the season

Tar denne først :)


Edit: Bump! Mods, frys denne tråden? Fantasktisk tråd!

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Arsene om Sparta Praha og Blackburn


Arsene, it`s the morning after the 2-0 win against Sparta Prague, your concidered thoughts about that game?

I feel that our attitude was spot on, we were patient enough, it was a very physical game. We lacked a little bit of the "spark" that we had on sunday against Fulham, but i felt that after the first game... we gave a lot against Fulham, and maybe it was still a bit in our legs, and we lacked a little bit freshness, but over all I`m very happy with the team attitude, it was spot on and the boys digged deep and they know how to win games, which is most important


For me, there`s just two concerns from last season, firstly; goals from midfield..Your thoughts on that?

It`s the second time that it happened now and that`s very good news and the second thing as well may be that until the last minute we fight!


And the second area, as you said, is standing up to a physical side in a difficult atmosphere, because it`s been a criticism of your Arsenal side in recent years..

I always said, that`s a question of maturity as well and you can see that that we are capable of not talking and just win the game. (litt forkorta)


Now surely you`d never admit it but the second goal in injury time pretty much killed the game I think..

It didn`t killed the tie completely, but it`s a big advantage to us and a mental blow to them because at 1-0 they still have more hope.. but what we learned from last night is that it`s important to go into the second.. There`s so much at stake with that qualification that of course we don`t want to waste that qualification because we fought so hard last night have an advantage into the second tie.


Well Arsene, the championship has been carrying on and it`s interesting so far, Chelsea has got two victories but have trailed each time..ManU two draws and Spurs two defeats.. What do you make of that?

It shows that PL may be tighter than ever and Spurs could have won, maybe, the who games they lost, Chelsea could have dropped points against the two teams they`ve played, Man United could have won the two games they`ve drawn.. It just shows you that every game will be a battle for everybody, not only for "middle of the table-teams" but for all the teams.


Does it give you a certain satisfaction, given that your press conference at the start of season were full of journalists suggesting that it would be Arsenal who would struggle at the start of the campaign?

Of course, because I believe in my team and the team believes in it`s own potential.. The first two games were quite encouraging and reinforces our believe, that is the most important, but we have learned from last year and we have shown that in the first two games that we must fight until the last minute of every game, and that`s a good basis to work on!


Turning to the weekend game, what`s your injuries?

Well, from last night I don`t know, we might have a little problem with Eboue who struggles a bit, we will know more tomorrow, and the players who come back available could be Denilson and Eduardo, I don`t think we will lose anybody from last night but a little questionmark about Eboue.


Will you prepare to throw in Eduardo for his premiership debut in a place like that?

Why not, because we`ve played to hard and physical games and we need some fresh legs, so I will have to consider that!


Blackburn is a side that`ll love to bring Arsenal back to earth with a "bump", they`re getting up there with Bolton in terms of that ability?

Yes, they are a comitted side and that`s a good opportunity for us to show that we can deal with that.. They had a difficult game today as well, so they will have a difficult week as well!


Will you remind your players that two years ago the Arsenal went to Bernabeu and got a great 1-0 win against Real Madrid and went to Ewood Park a few days later and lost..?

I would rather remind them that last year we were down to ten men and won, they have to take example on that, you know, and believe in their potential and continue to have exactly the same attitude, they are spot on! I`m a great admirer of the way they behave and the just have to continue like that!


Your thoughts on that game and indeed the cup-tie at Ewood Park where Arsenal lost 1-0..? What`s your recall of those games?

Well, I felt that it was always difficult games last year, when we were down to ten men, we kept the ball well and we played through their lines. In the FA-Cup I felt that we had a reasonable game, they were quite positive. We were badly done with Ljungberg who had a clear-cut penalty forgotten, and then we lost a player and Senderos played out of position, Benni McCarthy took advantage of that.. I feel in the FA-Cup we were unlucky..


You were linked with a Blackburn player this week in the newspapers, Pedersen, what`s the story there?

The only thing I can say, I like Pedersen, but I didn`t make any approach of him at all.


Are you likely to sign anyone else in this transfer window?

Not at the moment, I`m not close to signing anybody.


And the form of your side so far, has it convinced you that you don`t have to?

If you look at the..we have five players who were out at Sparta Prague, and two were out against Fulham already, and when they come back it gives us a lot of rotation possibilities.

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Må bare si at dette virkelig rører meg!


Jeg har vært borte en uke og har ikke sett tråden før nå. Jeg synes det er veldig bra at så mange engasjerer seg og oversetter intervjuer.


Jeg skal prøve å kanskje oversette litt jeg og, men ikke forvent for mye av meg, for jeg er bare 13 år, og ikke så altfor god i engelsk.


Men skal prøve :rolleyes:

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Wenger: Post-Sparta Prague


Arsene, how proud are you of your team tonight?


Well, I felt that we needed to be very strong, because in the first half it was a very physical game, they stopped us to play everywhere, the tackles where flying. We needed to be patient, not to make a mistake. Resilient, and take our chances and as well maybe at home stage have a little bit of luck, and that was happening when they hit the post. But out of that, I’m very proud of the team, because we never give up and they fight until the last second. Today, again, they have shown that.


Were you a little disappointed of the first half performance?


Well, I felt that we didn’t do enough going forward, didn’t play enough with purpose going forward. Yes, and we where a bit to cautious, and we played a little bit with a hand break. On that front, yes, but after I think it went better.


Cesc Fabregas, the man of the moment tonight. He scored another important goal for you.


Yes, he scored last year in the qualifying … and scored tonight. I don’t know … I think the goals will come from him, you know, he’s twenty years old, he is always in situations where he can score. He is still not physically at his best yet, he comes back from the virus. But he is getting better in every game.


How important was Alexander Hleb’s goal right in the end and in terms just settling the nerves for the second leg?


Well, that certainly ment a lot for them as well. ………? On the evidence of what we have seen tonight, we have to be on our toes. …………?


Arsene, we spoke yesterday about the importance of this Champions League. Now, that you are almost there, can you confirm that it’s absolutely vital for you, being in this competition?


It is of course vital, but not what people think for financial reasons. We need to be in it because we love to be with the best, we want to be the best. And that’s why.





Det er jo en liten stund siden dette intervuet ble gjort, men, som sagt, har jeg vært på ferie en uke (uten internett).


Det var noen ting jeg ikke fikk med meg, og da tok jeg ikke sjansen på å gjette. Så får bare håpe det er forståelig :)

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Respekt for denne tråden og til alle som gidder og ta tak i det ! Utrolig bra jobba :) håper den mailen til ATVO fikk dem til og tenke ! Skulle gjærne stilt opp med og oversette intervjuer, men min engelsk er ikke noe å skryte av så :/

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