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Amazon skal stream engelsk fotball


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Tipper de har kjøpt rettighetene for å sende disse 20 kampene i England.

Her i Norge er rettighetene utdelt for lenge siden så det vil ikke være endringer kommende sesong. Tipper det blir full krig og baluba når rettighetene skal fornyes i Norge. Håper det ikke blir en splitt slik det er i England (allerede) slik at man må forholde seg til flere operatører.



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I England så er splitten pålagt av myndighetene. Det var så vidt jeg vet for å unngå at Sky ble enerådende når det gjelder fotball på TV.


Kampene ble delt opp i syv pakker som ble auksjoner bort og ingen kringkaster kunne vinne mer enn fem kamp-pakker.


De engelske rettighetene er heller ikke like lukrative lenger, kan det virke som.


Linken min til financial times fungerte ikke, så jeg limer inn teksten (jeg beklager lengden)


The era of huge financial growth in Englands Premier League looks to have stalled, after it emerged that television broadcasters were on track to pay hundreds of millions of pounds less for the right to screen top-tier football matches in the UK.


After a five-day auction, Sky and BT won the right to continue screening games but the Premier League was forced to take the unusual step of holding back some matches, saying that bidding for them was continuing.


The auction invited broadcasters to bid for 200 of the 380 fixtures each season between 2019 and 2022. The 200 games were split into seven packages with no single buyer allowed to win more than five.


By Tuesday evening, Sky had secured four packages with BT winning just one. The Premier League said the value it had realised at this stage of the process was £4.464bn significantly less than the £5.1bn secured for all the matches in the last rights auction.


The organisation said the remaining two packages for broadcasters to show an entire schedule of matches on midweek nights and bank holidays, allowing viewers to pick the game they watch were still to be sold with interest from multiple bidders.


People involved in the auction said the Premier League had not sold the final two packages as they had failed to hit their reserve prices.


The final result looks set to be a significant blow to Richard Scudamore, executive chairman of the Premier League, who has secured ever-increasing windfalls from broadcasters during his nearly two-decade tenure.


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Sky has substantially lowered its cost per game in the new auction with the price falling from £11.05m to £9.3m per match, a 16 per cent drop. Its overall spend per season has fallen £199m to £1.2bn despite the number of games it will show rising to 128 from 126.


Stephen van Rooyen, Skys UK chief executive, said: We continue to invest in content that our customers value and which complements our strategy to broaden our offer.


BTs only package of rights related to early kick-offs on Saturdays, which typically achieve lower ratings than other weekend games, paying £295m per season for 32 games compared to the £320m it currently pays for the Saturday early evening slot.


The vast majority of broadcasting revenue is split between the Premier Leagues 20 member clubs. The money has often been reinvested into record transfer fees for players, with clubs paying superstar wages to attract many of the worlds brightest talents to Englands top division.


But a lack of competitive tension between the two main bidders, Sky and BT, appears to have led to a tepid auction for the new round of domestic broadcasting rights.


Before bidding, BT said its ambitions for live sport had diminished and that it was satisfied with being a strong number two behind Sky.


Another incentive for the two to bid strongly against one another fell away in December, when they signed a cross-licensing deal, allowing BT to include Sky Sports in its television packages from 2019 and Sky to sell BT Sport to its subscribers.


Mr Scudamore held meetings with tech companies, including Amazon and Facebook, hoping to draw Silicon Valley groups into the auction. Those efforts appear to have been in vain, although the Premier League has not said which companies remain in the bidding process.


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